Mkay well my new(old) whatever series has started
Watch it here:

A bit about this series: It's a reboot of the first (actually 2nd but the first was so bad it shouldn't even be called a series) series I put on NG. I have about 6 episodes written as of yet and since this is a drama type series it will be a little easier to make with the mocap since the fight scenes are more realistic and don't involve magic or weird stuff.
Also I'm getting a new mocap camera setup at the end of the month/next month that should help alot with the animation especially with multiple characters and fast movements for sword fighting.
The focus of this series will be solid story and character development. Sir Undead will reprise his role as the samurai lord Ashikaga and CodeblackHayate will help out with the other main female ronin character when we get to that episode.
I'm going to try to make something like an episode a month which should be do-able due to the type of animation thats called for with this project.
Also my Aries sky comic is update with the next batch of pages and I have....A PLAYLIST FINALLY TA-DA!!!!
All the chapters are separated on the playlist page now. But you can also check out the full comic so far here:
The comic is finally starting to get to the point in the story to where we will start seeing the nitty gritty of what is happening not just to the main characters but the worldspace in general. We'll also soon learn what exactly is the deal with Rion and her ability.

Chapter 5 still has a bit more to go with exposition of the Aresian side before we get to Chapt. 6 to see what happened with Rock and Pilla.
And incase anybody is interested I will spam my patreon