Here you can read the manga so far
It's also here on NG of course in my art tab and Pkmn2 Has created the playlist on NG here
I might put the manga on storyshift that Kimolemonhead told me about but I have to get to the point where I'm ready to do that. Namely after the intro story arc which should be done in probably chapter 4.
It's also weird because I'm starting to think more about making it now into a good story and I want to try to add some things in from a philosophical perspective that probably nobody will notice. Also even though it's chapter 3, I haven't really explained any of the characters back stories, and it's kind of funny that the main characters of Rion and Rock have not been developed yet but I do have backgrounds for them and for the entire story as a whole.
The plot thickens yet again...hopefully
As for other updates...
Here's a screen shot from the Shinobi noir project I'm trying to wrap up. It only needs the VA pretty much and then rendering and audio. I'm asking KatMaestro to make some awesome music for it.

I really need to stop going overboard with animation. I always want to do more and more making rediculous fight and action sequences and i think I need to check myself because its causing me to overdo things. Incidently I am working on a more serious story with Jay that is mostly dialogue and am...considering doing it with this 3D.
I think it would make a great movie and it would be a chance to spit something out that is actually easy since theres not much action and its more of a drama story.
Incidently, I'm also working on that LOTOE star wars thing but doing it slower. I decided to do the Shinobi noir thing first to make sure I can make something of quality. 3D is weird, especially with mocap. Its more like making a live action movie than just animating. I say its easier or harder than 2d but its different.
But right now I just have to hurry up and put something out. I dunno why I feel like I'm on the clock, time is slipping away and I'm not releasing anything of quality but I hope to remedy that.
Also I guess I'm now getting into bitcoin cuz...CRYPTOCURRENCIES RULE
If you want to donate