Watch it HERE:
Well ep 2 i done such as it is.
It was fun to write and make, I keep learning alot of crap so hopefully things will get better. Even though its not great I still think the body language animation was the best I've done as of yet in this thing. I still have to work on stuff of course but whatevs. I like this series and probably will continue it as I have some fun ideas and its made me rethink some stuff to focus on this year.
Galaxy Police Squad is hereby disbanded! (for the meantime) Sorry gang I have some ideas to take from that and put into a more focused animation.
Kagemusha! (after the next episode) Will be hereby Disbanded! (as Arc Infinitum is cooler and more fun to make)
My manga Aries Sky is disbanded! (may resume it at sometime but probably not)
Gunmetal Black! ( you are getting a makeover and redux)
I said I was only going to do two series and the ones that interest me the most are Arc and GunMetal Black.
I spent sometime redoing the Gunmetal black characters and am basically going to take the stuff I'm learning and going to work on making that into something.
That means you Maeko.
I'll make it into something. But mainly it'll be action-comedy and basically when I want to make a random fight scene that doesn't fit into Arc Infinitum, it'll end up here so I dont get rusty on sword play.