I'm learning adobe after effects and its glorious!
Try doing this the manual way and it just looks like crap....
I also looked around for some freebies on deviant art and found some pieces to redesign the Teacher character in GPS.
---I think these were PL2 or that eechi game parts MMDfakewings or someone converted.
---Anyways I'm working on the next of Kagemusha and the next Galaxy Police Squad minisode for Dec.
---Kagemusha will take some time because of all the action sequences, sword fights on horseback and all that jazz.
---Aries Sky manga is on hold for a little bit whilst I do this schtuff
Woof, that gif was so good, it almost busted my computer! Gerkinman just got a 15 month contract using AE on a cartoon series http://gerkinman.newgrounds.com/news/post/912515 Hope you find a similar fortune and fame down the line :)