your model making ability is really exquisite. I can't wait to see how this all turns out. it's very intriguing. I wish i couldstep up my art game like this
your model making ability is really exquisite. I can't wait to see how this all turns out. it's very intriguing. I wish i couldstep up my art game like this
Thank you, no where's the hidden camera :)
all i can say is wow nice job.
theres a few things that are off like the other poster said but it looks like you can make them with no problem
geez you're an ace modeller
even in black and white its pretty atmospheric
wow... that art schoolin' really pays off
The shiny highlight gives it alot of depth but at the same time gives the skin a plasticky kind of feel.
It for some reason reminds me of that guy that used to do the artwork for all those medival fantasy books and things in the 80s
It's like ghost in the shell mixed with the mines of moria. Can't wait to see how it turns out
The majesty of this painting can not be underestinmated
Thankyou kellz!
wow I wish I had the skill to make something 1/8th the detail. What 3d program do u use? I'm guessing maya or something
Sketchup dudebro
neat !
I wish I could figure out how to make symmetrical things.
For some reason it reminds me of those chinese puzzle boxes. Hit that button and the widget will morph into something and open up tight...
are you rotoscoping and then going over it like scanner darkly?
Essentially yes, It's less labor intensive that using Rotoshop. It took me 19 years to get the look right. This is made frame by frame too. It's a new type of animation and cheaper to do it this way versus pure live action.
What I mean by that is making special effects look believable to suspend disbelief when telling an engaging story. Pixar does the same thing by making everything look stylized. One is less likely to notice errors.
We all know what real things look like and if the artist misrepresents that reality it will not go unnoticed.
Is that a seburo mark insignia?
i have no idea i just drew what i saw in my mind, never drawn anything like it before ever idk where i get my stuff i just kinda pull it from the ether
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