Just some updates...
I'm trying to finish the next short animation which will be a horror-esque Resident evil/ Silent Hill short thing. I'm trying to make things more cinematic/ and also more...better looking.
I finally learned how to do that background blur thing that alot of cartoons have which make the characters stand out so much more and also not have them get blended into the background. So far I think it looks ok. Realistically though, I dont think i can get much better than this except maybe with slighty better models that aren't so low poly to that you dont see/notice the angles like the model below..
Also....ye....lighting effects.....gawd it makes everything look SO much better. And blends the scene better and doesnt make it look as flat.....Now if I can just make my character animation better.
Its a good thing I never released last years yandere project. I might release it this year after going over it again. The animation was actually pretty good but it wasn't released because it didnt look right and the story was...ugh.
So far... I have about 4 or 5 projects that are held up just because they're not really good enough to release. Hopefully this thing will be done in a week or 2.
Also...even though I spent alot of time modelling the new arc infinitum models.... I kind of don't like the final fantasy style and probably will be switching back to the old models and just tweaking them slightly to make the rigs better instead of going for the uber realistic look...
I just think the toon style characters are more my style. Lemme know what you think.
Well, audience preference or no, at the end of the day your work has to suit you too.
If toonier, or more stylised if you will, reflects your sense of aesthetics better then roll with it.
so far it seems to be a mixed bag. Some ppl liked em some ppl didn't. However I think some other people thought it was better because Arc 4 was the first one to have a higher frame rate which made for smoother/better animations.