Watch here:
This is a short fight scene standalone thing I just did to practice and also compare it to my fight scene thing from last year here:
I have a ton of stuff to finish up for this year probably into next so... the list
Gunmetal Black (Redoing the fight scenes because they werent great)
Yandere-project (sucks that its behind scheduale but atleast I found some music for it)
Believe it or not I have all the audio for GPS 5 done, so it just needs to be done. I'm not sure whether to go 2d or 3d or some sort of hodge podge.
All these projects are taking up like 200GB of space on my HDD so....I really gotta get em done
Arc Inifinitum 4 is also on the list but I haven't really touched that yet.
If anybody wants to help me animate either 2D or 3D I'd be much obliged. I can teach you 3d well enough or 2.5D basically like motion graphics or whatever. I'm still using Flash CS3 if you're interested
I saw your post on Patreon, and this all looks pretty good~! I look forward to seeing more!
Unfortunately I can't help with the animation part >.< I hope you find someone though!