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Bout feckin' time eh m8's?
Well we are with some medieval anime. The story is done, so I just have to finish the animation side....which should take about a year or 2. But... I will be releasing episodes piecemeal and once everything is done stiching the whole thing together as a movie like its supposed to be.
First up is the prologue ep. Not quite episode one but a short scene to get the flavor of the worldspace down. The first character is exiled Knight of the Order. She and her son Ryen are having something of a bad day...Tooo bad her husband ain't around....But don't feel bad. She's not the main character of the story anyways....
You may wonder why a knight is not wearing their armor....well....THEY WERE EXILED! But alas, you'll have to wait and see just what for.
Watch this please and get back to me as soon as you can please. Much love Kellz