You should spend some time for yourself to relax. Go outside, enjoy the nature a bit. Inspiration will come in time.
All my dreams are memes, and all my memes are dreams...
Joined on 3/6/11
You should spend some time for yourself to relax. Go outside, enjoy the nature a bit. Inspiration will come in time.
Well, maybe you can't blame it all on the pre-positioning of music, but I hear what you're saying. If nothing else, it's good to have your heart in the right place before starting a project.
Looking back at my old work, I had (have) lots of music files of specific length, as audio filler.. but did I use them often? Not really, but I never regretted adding them in post, just parsley and ribbon cut carrots to make the main course look better.
True but alot of the times recently I've been at a loss for music, also using the music helps the flow- Just by helping to plan the scenes and make sure certain shots don't run too long. I think in more action oriented scenes its helpful. For regular talky stuff not so much.
I have a short animation I just finished but can't release it since i realized this at the end and have no music to put to it.
Good to hear from you
Good to hear from you as well dear! So, you need an actiony bit o sound, how many seconds? I've been archiving the music here for years, I'd be glad to PM you some links... you could also ask the audio forum/collabintor for some custom stuff.
Ever since my 2.1 speaker set died a few years ago, it's been hard to find the heart of music lately bluh
yeah , it's pretty important to get a mood going when working on something. Just animating with no mood to put into it will only excrete no mood.